[Monday, 11 April 2011, 5:09 p.m.]
Kalon Tripa Prof Samdhong, member of the drafting committee, (2nd left) presents to the Parliamentary
Secretary General (1st left) the draft amendments to the Charter on the devolution of His Holiness
the Dalai Lama's political authority to the elected leadership, in Dharamsala on 11 April 2011.
Photo by Tenzin Gyaltsen/TPiE
DHARAMSHALA: The committee appointed to make draft amendments to the Charter of Tibetans in exile on the devolution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's political authority presented its report to the Parliamentary Secretary General today.
"The Committee completed its task to draft amendments to the Charter in accordance with the resolution passed by the Parliament to implement the devolution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama's formal authority to the elected leadership," Kalon Tripa Prof Samdhong Rinpoche, who is a member of the drafting committee, told reporters after submitting the draft.
"The political authorities enshrined under 39 different articles in the Charter needs to the amended and all the 39 articles are amended. The powers enshrined in these articles are reassigned either to the Speaker of the Parliament, Kalon Tripa or the Parliament's Standing Committee. All the powers are amended and divided among the elected leadership," Kalon Tripa said.
The draft amendments to the Charter will be tabled for deliberation during the national general meeting of Tibetans to be held at TCV school in Dharamsala from 21 - 23 May 2011.
Based on the recommendations of the general meeting, the Tibetan Parliament will convene an additional session from 25 - 28 May to give its final approval to amend the Charter.
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