Thursday, August 11, 2011
MEDITATION RETREAT with Venerable Lopon Ogyen Tanzin Rinpoche
Tuesday, August 23 at 5:00pm - August 29 at 5:00pm
23-29 august POLAND
Padmasambhava Foundation Poland
Dear Friends
We are glad to inform you, that Venerable Lopon Orgyen Tanzin Rinpocze
will be giving his teachings, transmission and initiations in Poland between August 23- 29
Retreat plan;
start on August 23 around 5 p.m. with introductory Teachings on Buddhist Dharma and Dudjom Ter tradition
On Dakini day (August 24) Rinpoche will give initiations of Troma Nagmo
Dakini. This will be the first such precious opportunity for us in Poland,
with this initiation, to take solemn Ngakpa vows,
(they will be granted to those, who decide to follow Dudjom Tersar’s teachings).
This will open opportunities to those new practitioners, who would like to
make stronger bonds with the Dharma and White Sangha Yogi tradition – of
Guru Padmasambava. For more experienced practitioners this will be an
occasion to go deeper into the teachings and refresh the spiritual bonds...
practice with the Teacher and his Partner, each sessions daily.. Rinpoche will also give initiation of Guru Padmasambava and others lungs, sadhanas, mantras transmissions depending on time availability. Dzogchen introduction is also planned,
All this shall be in Dudjom Tersar tradition. Private conversations with the Teacher may be also available, so we could talk about our individual practice, health and obtain some piece of practical advise...
We need people who would like to help in organization of the Teachings:
- an interpreter for Rinpoche (experienced in Dharma translations),
- a person who could record the event ( photo, camera, sound),
- renting the images and thangkas of Guru Rinpoche, Troma Nagmo.
- a nice fabric to decorate Rinpoche’s throne,
- donors, who would like to support our precious event.
The course will take place in splendid Ashram located on a hill in Lanckorona. (Lanckorona ul.Sw. Jana 15. 34-143, www. , facebook Ashram Poland, direct bus connection from Cracow around 40 min)
We have ar. 30 lodging places in the Aśram,
lodging and good, vegetarian food ( breakfast and hot meals)
22 eur,
Donation for one day of Teachings 18 eur for those, who decide to stay
during the all course.
Donation for initiation 30 eur for those who come only for the Initiations. Lodging in a tent and food 15 eur.
Children under 8 years old, lodging free, with parents.
Children over 8 half of lodging rate.
Total price for the whole course; 250 e.
90 eur to- Ewa Olewczynska, Bank Inteligo 50 1020 5558 1111 1331 2780 0022, swift code BPROPLPW, i ban PL
may all sentient beings be happy!
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