BERLIN: Mr Hans-Ulrich Klose, the Deputy Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Parliament, expressed his great pleasure in welcoming the new political leader of the Central Tibetan Administration, Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, at the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee conference room.
Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay said 8 August 2011 was a historic occasion. His Holiness the Dalai Lama attended the Kalon Tripa’s inauguration ceremony in Dharamsala. In his address, His Holiness the Dalai Lama had said that when he was young, Tibet’s Regent Taktra Rinpoche handed over Tibet’s political authority to His Holiness and today he was handing over his political authority to the democratically elected leader, the young Lobsang Sangay.
Tibet’s new political leader Dr Lobsang Sangay said, the statement by His Holiness the Dalai Lama makes it clear the continuity of the same leadership that started in 1642 by the 5th Dalai Lama.
Speaking on the present situation in Tibet, Kalon Tripa said, “I have nothing but sad report. We have had 12 cases of self-immolations. I feel it is almost becoming just a number. But 12 individual human beings and Tibetans have self-immolated due to the very desperate situation in Tibet.
He expressed his appreciation to the German Foreign Ministry and the Human Rights Commissioner and the Parliament members for the recent statements on the tragic situation in Tibet.
Kalon Tripa said any statements of solidarity will be heard inside Tibet. It will send a message of hope in this very desperate situation. He said that he wants to send the message to Tibet that there is hope.
In response to a questions on the Middle Way Approach, he said, “We are seeking genuine autonomy in Tibet. That is the policy of my administration.”
About 15 members of Tibet Discussion Group and Foreign Affairs Committee members attended the briefing by Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay, which was simultaneously translated into German.
Dr Lobsang Sangay concluded his address by appealing to the international community to support the Tibetan cause.
Dr Sangay arrived in Berlin this morning from Zurich. His first meeting in the German Parliament was with Mr Harald Leibrecht MP, a senior member of the German Parliament and a prominent supporter of the Tibetan issue.
In the evening, Mrs Claudia Roth MP, the Chairwoman of the Green Party welcomed Kalon Tripa at their party head office in Berlin.
“I welcome you to the official meeting in our Party’s Headquarter in Berlin,” said Mrs Claudia Roth. “I feel honoured and emotionally touched that we meet. We hope for a green future for the Tibetan people.”
Dr Lobsang Sangay thanked the Green Party for their support for so many years to the Tibetan people.
The Green Party’s Foreign Affairs spokeswoman and the head of press office also attend the meeting along with other party senor officials.
The last programme of the day was meeting with the Tibetan community in Berlin. Members had travelled from Hamburg and other parts of Germany.
The meeting starting with the singing of the Tibetan national anthem and one minute silence in memory of the Tibetans in Tibet.
“Thank you for coming to meet me and expressing your confidence and support,” said Kalon Tripa in his opening remark to the community members.
He talked about the recent political changes in the Tibetan administration and the very grave situation in Tibet today.
Kalon Tripa called on the Tibetans to stand united and remember fellow Tibetans in Tibet and fulfill the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
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