Saturday, December 22, 2012
All of us dream of greatness for our children – for the opportunity for them to become doctors, scholars, artists. But for many families, those dreams and opportunities may never be realized.
Donate to Project Tibet Society and make a difference today
That’s particularly true for thousands of Tibetan children who live in Arunachal Pradesh, a remote province in northeastern India.
While India generously gave their parents and grandparents sanctuary when they fled their homeland in Chinese-occupied Tibet, the reality for these children is they may never have the chance to realize their potential and to experience what so many of us in Canada take for granted: the very best for themselves.
That’s because the reality is, the inaccessibility of the refugee settlements makes even providing education close to home impossible. Instead, these children must attend boarding schools many days’ journey from their families, with visits home – to their refugee settlement – every 3 to 5 years at most. Just the cost of education, in other words, is family separation.
A chance for a new beginning in Canada for Tibetan families.
At the request of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2007, the Canadian government agreed to facilitate the immigration of 1,000 displaced Tibetans living in Arunachal Pradesh over a five-year period starting in 2013. To oversee this wonderful opportunity and help welcome our new neighbours to their new homes, the Canada Tibet Committee incorporated Project Tibet Society (PTS).
Here’s how you can help.
While the Canadian government as well as PTS Sponsors are providing much in the way of support and resources, Project Tibet Society must still depend on your financial generosity to make this dream a reality. From language and job training to basic needs associated with resettling our newest Canadians, we need your help so that these families can start their new lives and achieve greatness for their children in Canada.
That’s why we ask and urge you to become a friend or patron and donate to Project Tibet Society today.
To learn more about how you can help resettle these Tibetan families, please contact Project Tibet Society at 778.440.4683 or email
Your gift today will help support:
1. The overall coordination of the resettlement effort across Canada
2. Introductory program to Canada for new arrivals – before they leave India
3. Pre-arrival résumé preparation and introductory job skills training
4. English language training
5. Health and dental care
Project Tibet Society is funded entirely through private donations and special events.
Donations may be made by mail by printing the downloadable form here or you may use the online credit card option.
You can also support Project Tibet Society through an automatic monthly donation. To learn more about this option, please contact Project Tibet Society at or call 778.440.4683.
Please note that Project Tibet Society is not a charity and can not issue receipts for tax purposes.
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